Club By-Laws

LEISURE ISLE BOAT CLUB BY-LAWS (By-laws most commonly breached are printed in bold) DECEMBER 2015

  1. Members are expected to comply with all relevant statutory legislation, regulations, by-laws and rules laid down by any relevant national and/or local authorities. This includes but is not limited to the SA Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), SA National Parks Board (SANPARKS), Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Knysna Municipality. In particular, the following shall apply:
  2. No boat may be operated from the club harbour or slipway without a current, valid Certificate of Fitness issued by SAMSA and;
  3. Only persons in possession of a Certificate of Competence issued by SAMSA are permitted to be in control of a boat – it is important to note that this excludes persons under 16 years of age.
  4. It is the sole responsibility of LIBC Members to ensure compliance with the abovementioned statutory and regulatory requirements. Under no circumstances will LIBC, the Committee and/or LIBC employees be held responsible for ensuring compliance, or be held responsible in the event that a Member of LIBC or the public suffers injury or damage caused by a breach of such statutory and regulatory requirements.
  5. Upon request by a Committee Member or LIBC employee, any Member, or person operating a vessel on the LIBC premises, either in the harbour or LIBC grounds, must provide proof of compliance with the above requirements
  6. Only Jetty fenders as used by LIBC or those that tie onto the boat are permitted. No motorcar tyres may be used. Fenders must be used in such way as to prevent damage to neighbouring boats.
  7. All boats must have adequate, strong mooring lines. Boats must not be moored to poles – any costs incurred in replacing poles pulled out through non-compliance will be for the account of the party responsible.
  8. Outboard fuel and lubricants shall not be decanted on the jetty or mooring fingers. The flotation cells of the jetties and fingers are polystyrene which is dissolved by petrol and fuel and lubricant spills damage the environment.
  9. All power driven vessels shall give way to the starboard (right) i.e. approaching vessels must be passed so that the other vessels passes on the portside (left side). A vessel approaching a berth, entering the harbour or channel has right of way. The centre of Steenbok Channel is marked by buoys. Keep to starboard (right) of the buoys. The channel poles are not to be used as mooring poles except in the case of extreme urgency.
  10. Speed at all times within the harbour and in the channel shall be DEAD SLOW (a speed that will not create a bow wash)
  11. Pollution of the harbour and lagoon in whatever form (either solid or fluid waste) must be prevented. Members found guilty of wanton disregard in this respect shall be required to make good the resulting environmental damage.
  12. NO fish may be cleaned in the harbour or slipway area. The fish cleaning table is the only place where this activity is permitted. The facility is only for the cleaning of fish. All fish offal must be removed from the property by the fisherman.
  13. LIBC employees may not be used form the cleaning of fish or boats.  LIBC employees may, however, assist Members with such cleaning or other activities as a private arrangement between the employee and the Member and by prior arrangement with the Harbour Manager,  provided that all such activities MUST take place outside of the employees’ normal LIBC working hours, and strictly when it is convenient to the employee.
  14. No throw nets may be used in the dredged section of the channel.
  15. Recreational swimming (including diving) and fishing in the harbour basin are prohibited.
  16. The LIBC will be managed in such way as to safeguard Members’ assets to the best of its ability. Trailers, boats, and the contents thereof, parked in the LIBC premises, are parked at the owner’s risk. LIBC will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to them or any other assets of Members within the club grounds.
  17. Members are responsible for individual insurance of their boats, trailers and other assets.
  18. Trailers of Members must display in a prominent position a decal supplied by the club giving Membership number and if applicable, trailer park number. Trailers failing to display these particulars will be removed from the premises. Trailers in the Members Area are to be parked only in the marked parking bays. Trailers and/or boats outside these areas will be removed and parked outside the club grounds.
  19. No Member may berth a boat which exceeds the limits specified in the Jetty Berth Users Agreement and as indicated in the table below. The following are the maximum dimensions allowed for boats using the small boat harbour facilities:
  20. The Leisure Isle Small Boat Harbour includes the access channel, the slipway, public parking area, numbered boat parking and all the jetties A,B,C,D,E.
 Rows B, C, D, ERow A
Boat fitted with Outboard Engine6.10m6.70m
Boat fitted with Jet Propulsion6.50m7.20m
  1. Boats occupying a berth or parked in the Members area must display in a prominent position a decal supplied by the club giving Membership number and if applicable, berth number.
  1. Boats which cannot be identified by means of the abovementioned decal, shall be deemed to be UNAUTHORISED and may be removed from the club grounds and harbour at the owner’s risk.
  1. Berths may only be hired out to Members of the club. Non-Members wishing to hire a berth are required to apply for temporary Membership.
  1. The exclusive right to the usage of a berth may be transferred by a Member to any other Member at a mutually agreed price. However, 20% if the profit (i.e. difference between the amount paid by the seller for the berth and the selling price) shall be paid to the club as a levy to form part of the general income. Should the Committee be of the opinion that any sale is for less than fair market price, it shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to claim a levy based on such fair market price. The levy is payable by the seller, and the Committee will not recognize the new owner’s right of usage of the berth until the levy has been received by the club. All transactions are to be recorded in minutes by the club Committee and the purchaser must sign a Jetty Berth Users Agreement with the club on the conditions pertaining to the usage of the berth. Transfer to a non-Member is subject to the Committee of the Leisure Isle Boat Club, accepting the transferee as a Member.
  2. Prior to, or on death of a Member, transfer of a berth to one of the immediate family is at the original cost and the new berth owner is admitted as a Member without payment of an entrance fee.
  3. Unaccompanied children under the age of 11 (eleven) years, are not allowed in the club premises.
  4. Members must ensure no physical contact with the Gabion Walls as damage to the mesh of the gabions could invalidate the 25 year product warranty provided by the supplier.
  5. Access to and use of boats may be extended to the immediate family (spouse/children) of club Members, provided that authorization is proven throughout the presentation of a current access disc.
  6. Transfer of access discs to non-Members is strictly forbidden and non-Members are not permitted within the Members’ enclosure, unless accompanied by a Member.
  7. It shall be the sole responsibility of all Members to ensure that these by-laws are respected. Members have the right to draw the attention of any person in contravention of these by-laws and to expect immediate corrective action.

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