Knysna Estuary Minimum Fish Sizes
Below are the current size restrictions and regulations on the most common fish that can be caught on the Knysna Estuary.
*Closed season from 1 October to 30 November each year (Elf / Shad).
Common Name | Scientific Name | Bag Limit | Size Limit |
Blacktail | Diplodus capensis | 5 | 20 cm |
Cape stumpnose | Rhabdosargus holubi | 5 | 20 cm |
Elf (shad)* | Pomatomus saltatrix | 4 | 30 cm |
Leervis (garrick) | Lichia amia | 2 | 70 cm |
Kob | Argyrosomus japonicus | 1 | 60 cm |
Mullets | Mugilidae spp. | 50 | n/a |
Spotted grunter | Pomadasys commersonnii | 5 | 40 cm |
White steenbras | Lithognathus lithognathus | 1 | 60 cm |
White musselcracker | Sparodon durbanensis | 2 | 60 cm |